Sunday, February 20, 2011


So we all went to see the Never Say Never movie and believe it or not it was GREAT!!!! I never really knew much of anything about him but seeing how he came to be was so neat. The only problem I foresaw was Jessica getting the dreaded Bieber Fever lol, but she came home and said I wish he was my brother. PHEW!!!! We keep telling the kids that when they are 30 they are free to date, Jessica is the only one who tries to push the age limit to 18. For those of you who know me I LOVE kernels popcorn!!!!! It is a treat that I so look forward too, although I know it is not the best for me so I don't have it very often. I made some popcorn for the kids at the movies (I know you're not supposed to do that but we have food allergies so it's ok in my mind). I have one of those twirly pop things and I use coconut oil, well I found this yummy seasoning by lydias organics, it is gluten free so I thought I would give it a whirl. It was so yummy!!!!!! Here is a list of the ingredients if anyone wants to know what is in it. For now I have found my replacement for Kernels! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

Ingredients: A combination of dehydrated carrots*, celery*, parsley*, sprouted sunflower seeds*, sprouted almonds*, sprouted flax*, sprouted quinoa*, sprouted pumpkin seeds*, kale*, tomatoes*, spinach*, zucchini*, arugula*, radicchio*, lettuce*, dulse*, nori*, ginger*, onions*, garlic*, herbs*, Original Himalayan Crystal Salt & .

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